Day 28 : Bottling
6 x1gallon carboys
NOTE: Only crystal clear wine is suitable for bottling. If the wine is cloudy, wait an additional few days for the wine to clear. At this point, you may wish to filter (polish) your wine prior to bottling.
Important: Make sure that all filtering equipment is properly cleaned and sanitized.
- Clean and sanitize Primary Fermenter/Carboy, Siphon Assembly, and Wine Bottles. Make sure that everything is well rinsed before you begin.
- Filter your wine into the Primary Fermenter. If you are not filtering your wine, simply rack the wine into the sanitized Primary Fermenter leaving the sediment behind. Discard the sediment.
- Siphon wine into Wine Bottles, leaving 1.25 cm (1/2 inch) between the top of the wine and the bottom of the cork.
- Insert corks using a Corking Machine
- Keep the Wine Bottles upright for 1 day. Then store the wine bottles on their side to prevent the corks from drying.
- Keep your wine in a temperature-controlled environment (between 10-15 V/50-59 F) out of direct light. Your wine is ready to drink now.